Our company

PiCMOD(Pop it, Click, Make Our Day) lets any business or consumer with a PayPal account to securely, conveniently, and cost-effectively sales of goods and services by a diverse community of individuals and businesses.

We seek to become the global standard for The World's Online Marketplace offering our service to users in 88 countries including the United States. We have over 250,000 registered users, including more than 56 business accounts. Our account base is growing by an average of 160 accounts per week, with virtually no traditional sales or marketing. 

The size of our network and widening acceptance of our services have helped us become the leading alteration service for online marketplace. PicMod is also being increasingly used at other e-commerce sites, for the sale of goods such as electronics and household items, the sale of services such as OEM & ODM design, and the sale of Property & Industrial.