Privacy Polices


Welcome to the PicMod service, provided to you by Yuan Kuen Holding Company. These Terms of Service govern your use of PicMod's service. Your use of PicMod's service constitutes acceptance of these Terms of Service and creates a binding legal agreement, so please read them carefully. Please note, you must be 18 years or older to use this service.

Privacy Policy

We at PicMod have a firm commitment to safeguarding the privacy of our customers. This page will inform you about our information gathering and dissemination practices for the PicMod service. Other sites maintained by PicMod on behalf of third party partners are governed by a separate privacy statement. If you have questions or concerns regarding this statement, you should contact

Your Personal Information

PicMod only uses your personal information to conduct business with you. Your personally identifiable information will not be rented, sold or shared with any third party, except as described in this Privacy Statement or as otherwise agreed by you. PicMod may disclose information it has collected from any member of the PicMod Service and/or content any member has made available on the PicMod Service when it believes in good faith that the law or legal process requires it, or when it is necessary to do so to protect the rights or property of PicMod or others.

PicMod may change this privacy policy without notice from time to time. Please visit this page often for updates and changes. Regardless of later changes or updates, PicMod will not use your information in a new way without first providing you with an opportunity to opt-out.

Your Provided Information

In order to establish your account or to place any orders for our products provided through the PicMod Service, you will be asked to provide certain personally identifiable information to us, such as your name, mailing and email address, phone number, and a credit card number and expiration date. We will use that information to send you our film mailers (if requested) and to process and communicate with you concerning any order you may submit. We may also ask you for similar information, and information about your photography equipment and practices, if you choose to request a newsletter, enter a contest, fill out a customer survey or participate in a program. We may use this information to make improvements on our site, offer new products, and customize your experience on the PicMod Web site. In addition, we will share this information with our parent company, Hong Ta, who will use your information in accordance with its privacy statement. In any event, we will not share your personally identifiable information with Kodak or any other third parties without giving you the opportunity to opt-out, , except as expressly described in the "Third Party Service Providers" section of this Privacy Statement.

We use aggregate non-personal information (i.e. information that does not include personally identifiable data) for statistical analysis of user behavior, product development, content improvement and marketing, promotional and advertising purposes. We may also make that aggregate non-personal information available to select third party partners.

Information our site automatically collects

Generally speaking, we use cookies and invisible gifs to track users of the PicMod Service (including our newsletter service) and PicMod's Web site, including photo albums and the shopping areas. For example, when you visit our site, we assign you a unique User ID and store it on your computer in the form of a cookie (unless your browser's cookie support has been disabled). Through the use of cookies, User IDs, and invisible gifs, we are able to optimize the performance and functionality of our site, and to personalize our site for you and present you with content and offers specific to your interests.

Information Sharing

If, when you register for the PicMod's Service, you agree to let our parent company, Hong Ta, send promotional information to you, we will share your name, email address, and photo-related activities with Kodak. Kodak may use this information to send you promotions and other information regarding its products and services. Kodak will treat your personally identifiable information in accordance with its privacy statement. To prevent PicMod from sending you newsletters and communications from our third party affiliates, please refer to the below section.

Third Party Service Providers

We may share your personally identifiable information with those companies that assist us in providing the PicMod Service to you. Following are some examples of our use of third party service providers: We may share your credit card information with a financial institution to effect your purchase of our products using your credit card. We may share personally identifiable information (not including credit card information) with third parties that assist us with the administration of our newsletters or contests or that help us understand the results of particular surveys we may perform. We also engage third parties to assist us by tracking the number of visitors to our Web site, including visitors that have "clicked-through" from specified promotions on third party Web sites and those visitors' activities on the site. We may also choose to offer certain third party products, such as Custom Printed Cards, through the PicMod Service and may disclose certain portions of your personally identifiable information (not including credit card information) to allow those product producers to fulfill your product order.